Criminal Defense & Other Matters at Sliding Scale Fees

Photograph of Boone Leach

Boone Leach offers sliding scale fees for criminal defense, eviction defense, tenants’ rights lawsuits, and other civil matters. He is always a free call and consultation.

Boone believes that poor and working-class people don’t get fair treatment in our legal system. He’s doing his part to change that by working hard and strategically to get the best possible outcome for his clients. Boone knows one of a lawyer’s primary roles is explaining complex legal proceedings to his clients. He’ll never hesitate to answer questions, explain what’s going on, and communicate with the level of respect and compassion his clients deserve.

Boone started law school with a plan to start a sliding-scale practice and defend as many people as possible from the legal system. He followed through on that plan, spending as much time as possible out of the classroom and in the courtroom learning criminal and tenant defense, and graduating summa cum laude from Mitchell Hamline School of Law.

Boone got his start in criminal defense working for the Hennepin County Public Defender’s office as a student certified attorney, and then as a student attorney and law clerk for The Law Office of Joseph G. Vaccaro for 16 months. After law school Boone kept working as an attorney at the Law Office of Joseph G. Vaccaro, and in October 2022, he started his own sliding-scale law practice to provide as many as people as possible an excellent defense from the legal system.

Boone has represented clients on all kind of criminal charges, including misdemeanor traffic violations, DWIs, drug crimes, homicides, and other serious charges. He has also worked on eviction defenses, lawsuits against landlords, criminal and eviction expungements, and other civil matters.
